GAITF Social Accountability

At Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation (GAITF) Inc., we align our objectives with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. As we operate in various sectors of the society and economy, we have increasingly realized the importance of creating value not only for our Institution, but also for a wider ecosystem: our stakeholders, the communities in which we serve, and the environment where we exist. As our Institution grow, so too does the impact that we have on the community, economy and country in general.  Cooperation and inclusion are key concepts in the implementation of the GAITF Programs, and which can be achieved through effective engagement.

At GAITF, we are aware of our responsibility to balance our impacts on the environment and society as we continue to seek opportunities for growth. Determinate natural resources and the dynamic and evolving nature of society and human capital mandate us to integrate both sustainability and shared value creation into the core of our Institution strategies particularly in public service delivery and to help ensure that development activities benefit the poor and disadvantaged.

The success of our Institution begins from within our shared commitment, responsibility and accountability. We aspire to do this by indoctrinating accountability, transparency, and responsibility in our organization with the sense of Social Accountability, who form the solid foundations of our Institution. Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation (GAITF) Inc. as NGO and private sector in meeting the SDG targets in the most efficient manner. Leaving no one behind” is a central principle of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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